The Myth of Inevitable US Defeat in Vietnam
Dale Walton
Not Available
Strategy for Chaos
Colin University of Reading and 1 more
The Nature of War in the Information Age
David J Lonsdale
Warfighting and Disruptive Technologies
Terry Pierce
Pure Strategy
Everett Dolman
US Intervention Policy and Army Innovation
Richard Defence Studies Department and 3 more
The Red Army, 1918-1941
Earl F Ziemke
Strategy and History
Colin S University of Reading and 1 more
The German 1918 Offensives
David T and 1 more
The Fog of Peace and War Planning
Talbot C Imlay
US Defence Strategy from Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom
Robert R National GeospatialIntelligence Agency and 1 more
Special Operations and Strategy
James D School of Advanced Air and Space Studies and 1 more
War in Iraq
Thomas G John Hopkins University and 1 more
Alexander the Great: Lessons in Strategy
David J University of Hull and 1 more
Clausewitz and America
Stuart National Audit Office and 2 more
US Military Innovation since the Cold War
Harvey Sapolsky
US Special Forces and Counterinsurgency in Vietnam
Christopher K Ives
German Disarmament After World War I
Richard J Shuster
Grand Strategy and the Presidency
C Dale University of Reading and 1 more
Anglo-American Strategic Relations and the Far East, 1933-1939
Greg Kennedy
America, Technology and Strategic Culture
Brice Harris
Military Logistics and Strategic Performance
Thomas M Kane
Strategic Basing and the Great Powers, 1200-2000
Robert E Professor Emeritus Pennsylvania State University and 1 more
Britain and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1942-2002
Jeremy Stocker
Science, Strategy and War
Frans P B Osinga